Tuesday, October 3, 2006

Do you Digg?

Its been a couple of months now since I've been hooked to digg. Digg is one of the best examples of web 2.0 where users submit the stories from around the web and other users digg(vote) those stories. Based on the number of diggs, a story makes its way to the front page. Kevin Rose, the founder of Digg recently made to the cover page of business week. Basically, this place is for Geeks, Nerds and Dorks.

I found this story on Digg about Steve Jobs submitted via writersblocklive.com a few days ago and thought of sharing. The story is about the Steve's perseverance for the best performance at Apple's keynotes. But, this gives an insight of real Steve Jobs, how hardworking and perfectionist he is.

LINK:The Wizard of Pods - Behind the Curtain with Steve Jobs

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