Friday, October 6, 2006

Is Microsoft really going down?

Hey, whats considered cool and geeky to write about on tech blogosphere recently? I surf the tech weblogs and found the following objects the most ubiquitous.

1)Firefox vs. IE 7
3)web 2.0
4)Apple - iTunes 7.0, DRM, iTV, iPhone, ipod shuffle and nano 2nd generation
6)Microsoft- Zune and vista(which are doomed before their launch)
7)Social Networks (Myspace, Orkut, Friendster)
8)Google and its online applications
12)You tube

Note : Comments are welcome to help me extend the list.

The most striking object out of the list was the negative views about Microsoft. Don't matter if 97% of all computer users use their products, microsoft sucks and its an evil. Whether its about delay in the release of Vista or IE 7.0 (which is opinionatedly copied most of its features from the opensource browser Firefox) or its new media player Zune( which was supposed to compete with its rival Apple). All the fuss is about Microsoft loosing its competitive edge over its rivals in terms of its flawed and outdated windows operating system and MS office and/or its failure to make a stand on the next generation of online applications.
So whats wrong with Microsoft? Is it really going down and be out of its core competencies as happend in the past with IBM? I was looking for a concrete answer to these questions as the answers felt so obvious to be 'YES' from all the blogpostings on various tech blogs and suddenly I stumbled upon this article on wired.

This is a very insightful article and answered all my questions. It depicts How much Microsoft is aware about the issues going around and what strtegies it gonna apply to compete.
Ray Ozzie, the new man in charge of Microsoft sounds confident and capable of turning the sails back in favor of Microsoft.

Read the article:
Rebuilding Microsoft

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