Monday, October 15, 2007

Reader's Digest: Best Subscription I've ever got!

A year or so ago, I ordered prints of some of my pics from, a very good photo hosting, sharing and printing website. For being a (loyal) customer,in the confirmation e-mail it sent me a link to from where I could apply for subscription of upto 4 magazines for merely $2.00 each. I am always very cautious about such websites but, the offer was very lucrative and tempting so I ordered only one magazine of which I'm always very fond of. Yeah, You guessed it right ...."Reader's Digest". That was the best deal/subscription I've ever got in my life so far. The offer was legitimate, I was charged only $2.00 on my credit card. I regularly got all the 12 issues plus a condensed select edition book. All for only $2.00. The retail price for single issue is $3.00. Of course, the offer was tricky as If I wouldn't have canceled my subscription at the end of the year then my credit card would have been charged regular subscription charges. But before they continue my subscription for the next year,at the end of the year, I got a mail from RD asking whether I wanted to continue or not and canceling the subscription (which I did of course)was also a swift process. And then after a few days I got another mail consisting another select edition book and two gift items. Wow, 12 issues, two select edition books and two gift items...too good a deal for $2.00.

And besides of all these, I haven't even mentioned about the best quality stuff that I got to read in those 12 issues.
I checked RD website and found out that its only $10 for one year and $15 for two year subscription. But, still I'm waiting for someone to give me a coupon code for RD so that I can get it for just $2.00. I know what you might say...what a cheap bastard.... :)

Note: I'm wondering why southern pacific car? If anyone knows please leave a comment...

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